Have you ever given much thought to Shepherdstown’s iconic Crabapple tree in front of the library? Do you maybe wonder who planted it? How old is it? What variety of Crabapple it might be ? Who has been pruning it? Why has it always been pruned in late summer instead of winter? Does it love our town the way we love it? How much longer will it survive? How does it feel about its life?
You might find answers to these sort of questions by sending an email to our tree, like they have been doing in Melbourne Australia . Their trees now receive email from folks telling them how much they appreciate them for being themselves, and for bearing witness to changes over the years. Poems are written to the trees, and letters of thanks, and sometimes questions are asked of them. This has enabled a cross species dialog between people and their favorite trees.
Our town Crabapple has bloomed gorgeously every spring and suffered many winter storms, droughts and sidewalk construction without complaint. It has had many odd things draped over its branches and all kinds of tables set up under its shade. Surely it has opinions.
If you would like to have a conversation with our Shepherdstown Crab Apple, please send an email to: crabapple@edgewisewendy.com and I will see if we can get some answers or you may comment below.
-Wendy Maddox, writing as Edgewise Wendy, past caretaker of Crab Apple.