On my newest blog at Edgewise Wendy, you will find various stories I have written about events that have happened, like Hurricane Michael,my thoughts and opinions on current events, my take on whatever happens to come flying through my head. https://www.edgewisewendy.com
My Edgewise Woods gardening, homesteading and critter stories will remain on the original site at https://www.edgewisewoods.com/
Travel, hiking, kayaking and vacations will now be at Edgewise Travels https://www.edgewisetravels.com/
I have reorganized because, according to other homesteading sites that I wanted to share with, I have had too large a percentage of anecdotal stories and not enough how to stories to share. I am hoping to get more readers by narrowing my focus on each website.
I am including links to my other websites that will each open in a new window so you can easily get back where you started. Clicking Categories on each site will help you narrow your search further.
I hope you enjoy my writings and if you do, I hope you will let me know, by commenting
Thanks for reading, Edgewise Wendy